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Acupuncture needles are so fine that people having treatment for the first time are surprised that it does not feel like an injection. It is common to feel a dull ache around the needles, which is considered a sign of therapeutic activity in the acupuncture points. Most people find acupuncture treatment highly relaxing and of great therapeutic value.
The number of treatments will vary from person to person. Some people experience immediate relief; others may take weeks or even months to achieve results.
Chronic conditions usually take longer to resolve than acute ones. Plan on a minimum of a month to see significant changes. Treatment is commonly offered in courses of 5 to 10 weekly sessions after which the need for further treatment is discussed.
This is of course not a general rule as in some cases, like with sudden acute pains, it may take only one or two sessions to achieve results; while in others, like infertility treatment, may take several months.
Generally Guasha treatment should not be painful but some level of discomfort may be felt if the particular point is injured or has an energy blockage.
Not really. Basically, you will feel a sensation of suction, but you shouldn’t feel any pain. If your muscles are really tight and your energy is very stagnant, you may experience a degree of soreness; however, it should be quite slight, and it should subside.
Yes! Please! Usually, protein or fresh, whole food is recommended. You should eat at least anywhere from a few hours before a session to 45 minutes beforehand. If you don't even have a light snack, you may experience light-headedness, dizziness or even fainting. You might also have more sensitive needle sensations which can potentially cause pain.
You should avoid strenuous exercise, caffeine, junk food, alcohol, cold temperatures, digital screens, and, where possible, stressful situations.
It depends. We currently only accept insurance that has out-of-network coverage for acupuncture. You can fill out the inquiry form and we will verify your coverage and benefits.
We are looking for participants to join our complementary TCM treatments for Children with ASD and developmental delays
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